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For me, A Christmas Story is popular because it recalls an era that I can remember, or at least the era I can remember had not changed that much from the Viking Tropical Hawaiian Shirt of the movie. For me, that was the late 1950s, though the movie was the late 1940s. I remember the toys that were featured in the movie, such as specifically the train and the BB guns. The movie really captured the magic of Christmas back then for me without becoming sappy about it. Most other Christmas movies don’t have that connection, so I can’t really relate to them, and they don’t really do that much for me. I think that’s what makes it so popular, at least for people of my generation born from about the mid-1940s until the mid-1950s. I was born in 1952. I remember pining for some big Christmas present every year. Santa usually brought the really good stuff. The biggest Santa gift I ever received was a Lionel HO Texas Special train set about 1958 or 1959.

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. As I mentioned before, this is why it’s possible for Viking Tropical Hawaiian Shirt to beat Q3 2021 guidance and still have their stocks go down the toilet. It’s no surprise that the companies which are more speculative (with no revenues and cash flow to back up their valuations) get destroyed first, and then the mid-caps, and then the more solid companies with the revenues and cash flow to back up their valuations (e.g. Tesla, Google, and Facebook)? In fact, the large and mega-cap companies (or “liquid leaders”) are typically where large hedge funds and financial institutions “hide and take shelter” when they notice that something is wrong and a bubble is inflating. And so, they slowly start to move from more speculative names to the “safer” and large-cap names.

In the United States, state capitals aren’t generally the Viking Tropical Hawaiian Shirt or most populated cities. Take as an example California (Sacramento is the capital, not Los Angeles or San Francisco) or Illinois (Springfield is the capital, not Chicago) and you could go on with Texas, Florida, etc… even when it comes to the United States as a whole you would think New York City or Los Angeles should be the capital and not Washington D.C, but it goes deeper than that, the United States is not centralized in one city like it happens to France/Paris, UK/London, Germany/Berlin and so on. As to why New York City is considered the capital of the world, it has been called that for the past 60 years. It is the home of the United Nations, Wall Street, New York Stock Exchange, lots of billionaires, people from all over the world live in the city. It’s basically the financial powerhouse of the world although London has been following closely for the past few years. Other reasons to consider New York the capital of world would be fashion, music, entertainment, tourism, etc.