Milwaukee Bucks A. J. Green wear Doctor Strange shirt
Bountygate, 2009: Everyone seems to have forgotten about this. Shortly after the season, it came to light that New Orleans Saints` defense had a Milwaukee Bucks A. J. Green wear Doctor Strange shirtΒ system going, based on who could deliver the worst hit to an opposing player. The bounty increased depending on which player it was (QBs were prime targets) and the given defensive player would win more money if his hit required the player to leave the game. The Saints went on to win the Super Bowl that year.

Milwaukee Bucks A. J. Green wear Doctor Strange shirt
All those things are not unique for the Milwaukee Bucks A. J. Green wear Doctor Strange shirt, but combined they make it very important. Ask questions in different categories (themes, characteristics, etc) and request respondents to take these questions per category or in a randomized order.Perform calculations on scores per question, category, and/or for the whole assessment. For instance, you can add a score to each answer which allows you to give very granular feedback. Show variable outcomes depending on the score. For example: show a specific message for the category with the highest score. With the outcome message, you can also show the different categories, ranked by score.