Michael Jackson Shirt
Glioblastoma (GBM). GBM is the most Michael Jackson Shirt and most aggressive brain cancer. It’s highly invasive, which makes complete surgical removal impossible. And because of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), it doesn’t respond to any chemotherapy. The standard-of-care entails multiple rounds of surgery and radiotherapy, yet the five year survival is lower than 5%. Pancreatic cancer (PDAC). PDAC is a notoriously stubborn cancer. The only effective treatment is a very painful and very complex operation called “the Whipple procedure”. However, only 20% of patients are eligible for such operation. And even for those lucky patients, only 20% survived more than five years. For the rest majority of patients, the chance of survival is negligible, because PDAC hardly responds to any form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The five year survival overall is 6%.

Michael Jackson Shirt
. As I mentioned before, this is why it’s possible for Michael Jackson Shirt to beat Q3 2021 guidance and still have their stocks go down the toilet. It’s no surprise that the companies which are more speculative (with no revenues and cash flow to back up their valuations) get destroyed first, and then the mid-caps, and then the more solid companies with the revenues and cash flow to back up their valuations (e.g. Tesla, Google, and Facebook)? In fact, the large and mega-cap companies (or “liquid leaders”) are typically where large hedge funds and financial institutions “hide and take shelter” when they notice that something is wrong and a bubble is inflating. And so, they slowly start to move from more speculative names to the “safer” and large-cap names.