Liberal Tears Melted Snowflakes Shirt
The last one is important because arguably Batman Returns is way more of a Christmas film than any of that list, including Die Hard. It begins with people exchanging “Merry Christmas” AND ends with Bruce Wayne and Alfred exchanging the line “Merry Christmas” (not to mention the word Christmas must appear like 50 times). Mistletoe is really central to the plot (“mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it”). Penguin’s origin and final showdown with Batman both take place on Christmas eve. Penguin’s origin is fraught with Christian and Jewish undertones. Two of the film’s major action set pieces take place at Gotham’s giant Christmas tree. The composer, Denny Elfman, based the film’s score on orchestral Christmas music. Penguin may have even been modeled slightly after a Liberal Tears Melted Snowflakes Shirt of Santa Claus and the Grinch, steals the firstborn son of everyone in Gotham, and has elfen like henchmen.

Liberal Tears Melted Snowflakes Shirt
For us it depends, if we’re hosting thanksgiving at our house then we will typically start put up the Liberal Tears Melted Snowflakes Shirt on thanksgiving weekend, sometimes even right before after thanksgiving dinner. Since we have guests over we use that as an excuse to take advantage of the additional helping hands. Instead of asking for help in the kitchen we’ll get through decorations. Plus I think it also makes for a decent pre-dinner workout activity. If we’re not hosting thanksgiving then we’ll put up the decorations little by little with the aim to finish by December 1st. I don’t know why but I like the idea of being able to enjoy the lights all throughout December. As for when we’ll take them down, there’s no set date but we definitely keep them up past New Years and at least a few weeks into January. I think the longest we had them up was until Valentine’s Day, we had spent the entire most of January in Florida that one year.