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Well, while I was stuck in some officer’s office, I was allowed to make a Igor Shesterkin You Got Igor’d The Puck Stops Here T Shirts . My parents weren’t in town at the time and wouldn’t be for weeks (they traveled regularly to Hong Kong and China as they had business interests then). My girlfriend wasn’t answering the phone so that was a bust. So I called my best friend J, and explained the whole situation to him and he got to work to find out what was going on and to get his dad to vouch for me (his dad and I got along really well back then).

As I walk back to our apartment, hand in hand with my Igor Shesterkin You Got Igor’d The Puck Stops Here T Shirts Laurie, he frequently comments on the lack of style displayed by the other visitors to the beach front. “You are truly outstanding amongst these people. No wonder I love walking with you”, he murmurs, as he lovingly eyes me up and down. And these words are not just those of an ardent lover. He speaks the truth.