Grateful Dead x New York Jets T Shirt
Die Hard is a Christmas Movie” is a Grateful Dead x New York Jets T Shirt meant to troll people. First of all, the movie came out in July, and unless I’m mistaken, Christmas wasn’t originally part of the script, which had been floating around Hollywood for quite some time. Unlike other Christmas movies, like The Santa Claus, the sequels to Die Hard never again used Christmas as part of the plot. Wonder why? Maybe because back when the movie came out nobody thought of it as a Christmas movie and nobody saw that element as central to the plot.

Grateful Dead x New York Jets T Shirt
Among my duties was to keep seasonal decorations up to date. In this huge store that meant everything from designing window murals on glass to puppet displays in the Grateful Dead x New York Jets T Shirt and decorations hung from the ceiling. That year I decided I wanted to have Santa having a beach Christmas as a new thing- I had not seen it done before. The signpainter and I sat down and designed a scene where Santa’s sleigh was drawn by kangaroos and koalas sat on the sand with waves in the background. This was for the huge front windows. Well the signwriter went away and came back with stencils he’d cut of the scene and asked me if he could use them for other clients. I said yes, that year Santa on the beach became very popular!