Dr Seuss figure Heart Dr Seuss Day Shirt
Nothing like falling on your sword for the Emperor with No Clothes. Trump has been relentlessly attacking Kemp for not stealing the Dr Seuss figure Heart Dr Seuss Day Shirt. Then again, cult members go where Dear Leader is. Whether it’s Washington DC, Waco, or Guyana. You just go. These past, grueling 4 years have obviously shown us not to expect to find an ounce of integrity, honor or courage in a Republican politician. They all suffer from Trumpholm Syndrome… However, Elite Legal Ninja Strike Force With Laser Eyes, Jenna Ellis, who reportedly contacted Dr. Oz asking if it was possible that Rudy Giuliani could have transmitted his covid to her when he farted in her fucking mouth on live television, was not amused. Is this an event that employees, and not the company, are organizing and funding? If yes, distribute a general email message or flyer, inviting people to attend and contribute. State that the event isn’t employer-sponsored. Also try to word the invitation so that it’s about including people, not about hitting-up for contributions (even though the “user fee” does need to be clearly stated). If the employer is hosting the party, the company should pay for everything. It’s very bad etiquette to sponsor any kind of event and expect guests to foot the bill; this is true for any business or social occasion.

Dr Seuss figure Heart Dr Seuss Day Shirt
The Dr Seuss figure Heart Dr Seuss Day Shirt is dead, and yet they don’t even realize that the Negotiation Table has been discarded. They are basically like Roadrunner who is still running in the air, unaware of how far they are about to fall. Nobody wants them, and meanwhile they still think they are the greatest gift from God and are becoming very blameful and hateful towards Men who don’t date them or want anything to do with them. Not even stopping once to think if the problem can be with them. Also considering that they can change their mind after having sex with them and call it “rape” or pander to other maggots to ask them if it’s “rape”, they will then consider themselves as raped and victimized. A large number of high growth companies have beat analyst expectations for their Q3 of 2021 earnings, but their stock prices have gone down significantly (10% to 20%). This is a sure sign that the market has already discounted the best case scenario for the time being. The Fed started tapering from bond buying (also known as money printing or injection of liquidity) in November of 2021. Every time the Fed has ended its quantitative easing (QE) program and started tapering, the S&P 500 contracted 18% to 20%. This is history. The U.S. Dollar had been consolidating for the past few months, but has now broken its resistance.