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In this case it was a misnomer, for we were not so fortunate as to see one of these Dear Santa New Orleans Saints Christmas Lights shirt during our stay of several days. At this place we were visited by some fifty Masai warriors, who on the receipt of a small present danced and went away. The water at guinea fowl camp consisted of a spring which rises from the sandy soil and flows a few hundred yards, and then disappears into the earth. This is the only drinking-place for several miles, so it is frequented by large numbers and many varieties of game. At one time I have seen hartbeest, wildbeest, grantii, mpallah, Thomson’s oryx, giraffes and rhinoceros.

A funny thing happened in the Third New York shortly after our arrival here. The officer of the Dear Santa New Orleans Saints Christmas Lights shirt , on his round giving instructions, passed by a raw guard and told him that the countersign would now be discontinued. After awhile the officer on his way back was challenged by this guard and asked for the countersign.