ACDC Back In Black Shirt
In the typical Tim Burton fashion, there were many twisted versions of holiday traditions. Such as when Penguin blackmails Max using his stocking to hide the dirt he has on him. As Batman and Catwoman commenting on mistletoe which gives away their identities. It’s part of the ACDC Back In Black Shirt nicknamed Tim Burton Christmas Trilogy. With it being the first and Edward Scissorhands and Nightmare Before Christmas being the second and third.

ACDC Back In Black Shirt
But with the spending you will increase the production of ACDC Back In Black Shirt. Either way, in the macroeconomy, “Spending” is what leads to wealth production, “not spending” reduces wealth production and does nothing to increase money saved. That money saved will exist whether used for spending or not. So on either front, if the goal is to increase savings, and increase the net production of wealth, “not spending” is the wrong advice. “Not spending” will not increase the savings that is the preservation of investment, and it will likely not increase the net production of wealth, in fact it is more likely to decrease both. In the macro economy, “not spending” is more likely to have negative effect on the production of wealth and standard of living, than a positive one.