Sheep Comfy & Cozy Christmas Shirt
From the higher ground, where the Sheep Comfy & Cozy Christmas Shirt officers’ tents are situated at the extreme west side under the towering oaks and pines, we shall watch the sun appear above the wooded hill to the east and drive away the white mist in the vale below, while the wild birds, the robins and thrushes, are greeting the dawn with happy lays. The mess fires beyond the tents are started, and in the still air of morning their columns of smoke rise and outspread tall and graceful.

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It started as a way to keep Sheep Comfy & Cozy Christmas Shirt tired, hung over drivers from running over soldiers running PT at zero-dark thirty, especially back when we ran in camouflage pants, brown t-shirts and boots. It gradually became a way to protect soldiers from any piece of equipment, military or civilian. When I retired, it was gradually becoming accepted belief that the wearer of a PT belt could possibly survive hurricanes, tornadoes and the eventual eruption of the Yellowstone caldera.

The guard is composed of details from each of the Sheep Comfy & Cozy Christmas Shirt companies, in numbers according to the requirements of the camp. Our camp at present, with twenty odd posts, requires above seventy men and officers. There is a captain in general command as officer of the day, a lieutenant who is officer of the guard, a sergeant, and a corporal for each of the three reliefs, for the entire sentry force is divided into three parties, each serving in turn two hours and resting four.