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I used to play with their kids. One day, their kids told me that they just got a cat. Great, they had a new pet. Then at around noon, I heard from our kitchen the Blessed Sister Messy Bun Women Happy Easter, Mother’s Day T Shirt cried loudly. I thought that the kids annoyed the cat. A few minutes later, the cat stopped crying. βEh. The cat must be okay nowβ, I thought. Not long after, when I stepped outside of our backdoor to make fire for cooking. To my horror, I saw the husband roasting the cat with feces coming out of its butt. In the first few minutes, I didnβt feel anything and didnβt think anything about it because I would never have thought that they would eat cats. In my head, I questioned myself what he was roasting. I stepped back inside and paused for a while. Just like a switch suddenly turned on. βIt must be the cat!β I ran to my parents and told them that our neighbor just killed the cat, and now the husband was roasting it. I have never eaten cat meat. That horrible scene to this day is still lively and one of the scariest things in my mind.

She was a pretty child, a pretty girl, a pretty young woman, a Blessed Sister Messy Bun Women Happy Easter, Mother’s Day T Shirt , a pretty young mother, a pretty and regal queen. Looking at some older pictures of her, it surprised me that I had forgotten how attractive she was. The Queen still looks pretty good, in view of her age. Of course she has had access to the best food, healthcare, fashions, cosmetics, and skincare that money can buy. She has had minimal stress in that she doesn’t have to worry about financial or job-related issues. She has always had the upper-hand in her marriage as her husband is her legal subject and works for her. She has never had to worry about child care or housekeeping. She has chosen to generally ignore family disputes and remained emotionally insulated from her children.
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As for other places like many Eastern Ukrainian pro-Russian regions, including Donbass and Blessed Sister Messy Bun Women Happy Easter, Mother’s Day T Shirt regions between Crimean peninsula and Russia – they have much higher percentage of pro-Ukrainian or simply confused people who donβt want to break with Ukraine, and despite being a minority these people would potentially be a problem in case of reunification, they would demand ukrainian education etc. (Crimeans demanded elimination of ukrainian language from schools and all other places). Also, any other border between reunited lands and Ukraine would be very long and not easy to defend from ukrainian provocations.

The Blessed Sister Messy Bun Women Happy Easter, Mother’s Day T Shirt war: it is usually a hit-and-run war waged by an apparently weaker army, against a relatively much larger but less mobile highly organised army. Usually undertaken by a militia group of the defeated or near defeated people who are desperate to drive the invaders away. For them, its total war, whereas for the standing army it’s only a partial war, who are less motivated, and actually, pretty wary. Examples: Shivaji’s guerrilla warfare against the Mughals, the Vietnam war, and the US Afghan war or even post Saddam Iraq war against US forces. Civil War: It is war within one’s own geographic boundaries, usually between people of different ethnic or religious groups or with different ideology. Its total chaos with multiple groups randomly fighting against each other, sometimes not really sure who is a friend or foe, but still creating a lot of blood bath. The ultimate goal is often lost in the carnage, with no definite winners. ( Most often the only loser is humanity). Examples: the American Civil War, post partition Hindu-Muslim war in the Indian subcontinent, and now the war in Syria.